23 March 2011

my wAY to Lose wEighT~

1. Take before pictures …

Go ahead and take some really bad pictures of your “before” self. I mean, really bad. No smiles, no makeup, no styled hair… just you. When you see those pictures stuck to your fridge, you’ll be a lot less tempted to chow down on some ice cream or cake.

2. Get a support group and friend…

If you want to lose weight successfully and stay motivated long-term, you need backup. So, get some weight losing support behind you. There’s lots of ways to do this… start an exercise group, begin a “biggest loser” competition at work. 

3. Go public …

In addition to getting support, you’ve got to go public with your goals. you need to share your weight loss goals with some people in your life who can hold you accountable. Why? Because it will be really embarrassing when you have to tell all these people you’ve given up! So, you’ll be less likely to quit if you know you’ve got an audience.

4. Read the labels …

When you’re shopping, you’ve got to read the labels on what you buy. Don’t just assume that a product screaming “Low Fat” on the front of the box is actually good for you… flip it over and look. Consider calories, fat, sugar, and sodium when choosing what you’re going to eat. Also, check that portion size… sure, 3 grams of fat per serving is great, but if it is for a tiny portion, can you really stop eating after that small amount of foods?

5. Snack wisely

It is okay to snack between meals. In fact, its a good idea. The reason you should snack is because it will keep you from overeating at meals, and that’s a good thing. The key is to make your snack good snacks. Carry lots of healthy treats with you so you aren’t tempted to grab something full of trans fat  out of the vending machine. .

6. drink lots of water…

If you’re not staying hydrated, you’re not going to lose weight. Your body cannot function without enough water, and your weight loss will be slowed if your body’s feeling dry. So, carry a bottle of water with you all day long and sip on it. The bonus from this practice? All that water will help keep you feeling full instead of hungry!

7. Set realistic goals …

Don’t think you’re going to lose fifty pounds in two months… or even three or four. Setting high goals doesn’t really help you. Instead, it just sets you up for frustration and failure. Plan to lose 2-3 pounds per week… that’s healthy and safe for you body, and you’ll really be burning fat, not just losing water or muscle. 

8. Control your portions …

Most of us eat way too much, even of the good stuff. I know I have a really hard time controlling cereal portions. Even if the cereal is totally whole grain and healthy, I still don’t need a heaping bowlful, but that’s what I want! So, to lose weight, we’ve got to start thinking about the actual size of the portion's we’re eating. We don’t need a plateful of pasta, a bowlful of ice cream, or a supersize fry.

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