23 March 2011



rahsia saya menurunkn berat badan ialah.... 
tunggu post yg seterusnya la... hahahahahaha

my wAY to Lose wEighT~

1. Take before pictures …

Go ahead and take some really bad pictures of your “before” self. I mean, really bad. No smiles, no makeup, no styled hair… just you. When you see those pictures stuck to your fridge, you’ll be a lot less tempted to chow down on some ice cream or cake.

2. Get a support group and friend…

If you want to lose weight successfully and stay motivated long-term, you need backup. So, get some weight losing support behind you. There’s lots of ways to do this… start an exercise group, begin a “biggest loser” competition at work. 

3. Go public …

In addition to getting support, you’ve got to go public with your goals. you need to share your weight loss goals with some people in your life who can hold you accountable. Why? Because it will be really embarrassing when you have to tell all these people you’ve given up! So, you’ll be less likely to quit if you know you’ve got an audience.

4. Read the labels …

When you’re shopping, you’ve got to read the labels on what you buy. Don’t just assume that a product screaming “Low Fat” on the front of the box is actually good for you… flip it over and look. Consider calories, fat, sugar, and sodium when choosing what you’re going to eat. Also, check that portion size… sure, 3 grams of fat per serving is great, but if it is for a tiny portion, can you really stop eating after that small amount of foods?

5. Snack wisely

It is okay to snack between meals. In fact, its a good idea. The reason you should snack is because it will keep you from overeating at meals, and that’s a good thing. The key is to make your snack good snacks. Carry lots of healthy treats with you so you aren’t tempted to grab something full of trans fat  out of the vending machine. .

6. drink lots of water…

If you’re not staying hydrated, you’re not going to lose weight. Your body cannot function without enough water, and your weight loss will be slowed if your body’s feeling dry. So, carry a bottle of water with you all day long and sip on it. The bonus from this practice? All that water will help keep you feeling full instead of hungry!

7. Set realistic goals …

Don’t think you’re going to lose fifty pounds in two months… or even three or four. Setting high goals doesn’t really help you. Instead, it just sets you up for frustration and failure. Plan to lose 2-3 pounds per week… that’s healthy and safe for you body, and you’ll really be burning fat, not just losing water or muscle. 

8. Control your portions …

Most of us eat way too much, even of the good stuff. I know I have a really hard time controlling cereal portions. Even if the cereal is totally whole grain and healthy, I still don’t need a heaping bowlful, but that’s what I want! So, to lose weight, we’ve got to start thinking about the actual size of the portion's we’re eating. We don’t need a plateful of pasta, a bowlful of ice cream, or a supersize fry.

22 March 2011

mY NeW Goals!!!

skrg ne berat badan sdh mencapai 65kg drpd 78kg... 
tp blom puas hati lg, rasa masi gemuk lg. mau c kurang berat sampai 58kg sblm hujung bulan mei ne. hahahaha
saya yakin mesti boleh buat punya!!!! 

7 ways to LoSe wEigHT ~~

1. Drink water …

No, you don’t have to fill up like a tub, but ensure that you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Don’t substitute for juice. your body should always be hydrated. Your kidneys will thank you as it can easily flush out the waste. With adequate water intake your body will be able to metabolize fat more effectively.  And if you have a glass of water 10-15 minutes prior to your meal, you will feel full once you start eating.  Another fun fact, did you know that you can lose 62 calories by drinking ice cold water?  But it’s better to drink it between meals or before meals, so that your food gets digested properly.

2. Eat 5 times a day …

Start with breakfast. The more you eat for breakfast, the less food you will to eat at night.  Please, don’t skip this meal as you’ll end up devouring everything in sight for the rest of the day. You don’t need to gobble up 5 large meals, just 3 meals of a sensible size and 2 delicious yet low calories snacks. Eat sensibly so your body doesn’t crave for food. If you treat your body right it won’t demand for more attention!

3. Use weights …

Needless to say, exercise is crucial to weight loss. You can’t expect to sit on the couch all day, sip water and lose weight. join a good gym that lets you work with weights. It will help you build muscle and your metabolism rate will increase. You’ll soon see the fat come off and in its place muscle will develop.

4. Use smaller plates in dark colors …

The hotel industry has changed the way we look at food. Today a regular burger can feed an elephant. Well, almost! Check your portions the next time you dine out. You don’t need to finish every morsel.  So, what you should do is ask your waiter to put half of your meal into a doggy bag before it even makes to the table.  This way you will not be tempted and you will feel full eating less.  And you will have something for breakfast too!
When eating at home, it’s better to get rid of the huge plates you usually use.  Substitute them with small ones – when food starts to fall off, you’ll know it’s enough.  Try to get these new plates in dark colors.  Dark blue will be your best choice since it’s the #1 color that fights off the appetite (just look at the picture above, I already can’t even think about food).  Avoid red, orange and yellow in your dining area – they are the ones making your appetite go sky high!  (Think McDonalds’ logo and you’ll do fine – do you think the colors they use were random?)

5. Read between the lines …

Food and drink products are all out to get you. They scream ‘Buy me! Buy me!’. It could be ‘fat free’ but it could still have a lot of calories. You need to analyze the nutrition label on the cover.  The number one example of this is sodas.  Find out what’s good for you and what isn’t. Knowing in advance can help you stay away from product that are calories-enriched. Oh, and when shopping for groceries, avoid the aisles with cookies, frozen pizzas and ice-cream – it’s not the best place to test your will-power.

6. Keep a journal …

It helps to document what you eat. This way you can keep track and evaluate your eating habits at the end of each week. And if you’re a little more tech-savvy, then you could always maintain a weight-loss blog. Ask your dietician to look at your journal and suggest improvement points.  I found it helpful to measure myself with a meter every morning.  Every time I skipped dinner, my waist was a little bit smaller – and that’s what gave me the strength to get my appetite under control.

7. Don’t punish yourself …

Go easy on yourself at least one day in a week. If you begin to dislike your diet then there’s something wrong.Find a diet that suits your body type and your lifestyle.

hOw tO loSe weiGht..

There are many advantages to losing weight and getting a healthy body. Not only will losing weight help give you the slim and lean body you've always wanted, but it will also keep away a number of obesity-related diseases you may have accquired due to being overweight. You don't need to focus on why you are fat, what you need to do is learn how to lose weight fast so that you don't get any fatter than you already are. There are many weight loss programs and plans that each cater to a different need. The best way to lose weight fast is to select the solution or system you find best suitable for you and then implement it in your daily life.

The main reason the majority of people fail at weight loss is that they don't have a proper plan defined ahead of time. Before you start applying the weight loss system you selected for youself you need to create a plan that outlines exactly what you're going to do and when you're going to do it. Failing to create a weight loss plan that you will follow is one of the easiest ways to never reach your goal and get the body you've always wanted. Basically, unless you have a clearly outline plan with specific goals and dates, then you will no doubtedly fail.
Before you learn how to lose weight fast, you need to ask yourself how bad you want to achieve your goal. Having a strong will is the only way you will be able to succesfully to go through this journey and come out on the other side. Weight loss is pretty difficult at the beginning, but once you get used to the small changes you've made in your life then you will find it easier as you go along. This is why many people decide to join weight loss support groups or camps; they need the support and encouragement from others. Even if you know exactly how to lose weight fast, you still won't burn fat if you're not motivated enough.
There are certain weight loss tips you need to follow to make sure you get the most out of your weight loss efforts. You don't need to follow the all the tips but try to make sure you try abiding by as many as possible. Though if you are serious about losing weight fast then you need to make changes in your life to follow the weight loss tips which you learn.
Being specific is very important when you want to lose weight. Not only do you need to be specific in how much weight you want to lose, but you need to also choose the method you will follow to lose weight. There are many weight loss diets for men and women, or you might be interested in other weight loss solutions. The important thing is that you see what will work best for you and then a system that fills your need.
One other thing you need to pay attention to is that you shouldn't spread yourself too thin. Choosing more than way to lose weight fast is a recipe for disaster. You can't possibly keep up with all the newest weight loss solutions that keep popping up every day, so don't try! You need to focus on only one fat loss method and then keep tweaking it untill you find yourself losing weight. Read more to find out how to lose weight fast.
Most ways to lose weight fast revolve around one simple key fact, and this principle is exactly what causes you to lose weight. You will find that no matter how different two systems may be, they all aim at accomplishing this one key piece of the puzzle. But some weight loss systems abuse this key idea and offer ways to lose weight which could be very harmful to your body. You need to make sure that you follow a healthy diet or program if you want to get a lean and healthy body.
The bottom line is that unless you know how to lose weight fast and are determined to burn that extra fat off your body, then you will always be stuck with the body you have. Even if someone gave you a thousand ways to lose weight fast & weight loss tips, you still won't be able to actually lose any weight if you are not willing to put in the required effort and dedication required.


Deadline for assignment is on 12.04.2011


1 March 2011

VisiT to SaZaRise snd bhd

 19 february 2011

arriving at sazarise
waiting for our turn
this my group

while waiting... no chair.. hahahah

phil , kak marina ,siti and me
this our lecturer for opm530